Pont d’Espagne and Lac de Gaube in the National Park Pyrenees, France

After exploring the beauty of the Gavarnie Valley and the highest waterfalls in mainland France, we headed to the Gaube Valley, another beautiful valley located next door in the heart of the Pyrenees National Park.


The valley begins at the end of the five km-long “Route du Pont d’ Espagne” road. This road starts after the town of Cauterets and Read more “Pont d’Espagne and Lac de Gaube in the National Park Pyrenees, France”

Barranco de la Hoz in Alto Tajo Natural Park in the region Guadalajara, Spain

Our wandering through Spanish national parks and protected natural areas also included the Alto Tajo Natural Park. And it was precisely the case when you don’t expect much, but in the end, the area’s beauty hit us so hard that, in our eyes, it overtook other, much more famous parks.


We started on its edge near the town of … Read more “Barranco de la Hoz in Alto Tajo Natural Park in the region Guadalajara, Spain”

Ermita de San Isidro in San Esteban de Litera, Aragon in Spain

After a relatively demanding program in Catalonia, we needed a little rest. And we found a place – tailor-made for this purpose. The village of San Esteban de Litera in the Aragon region offered everything we needed. We could admire this aqueduct called Perera just before arriving in the town.


On its outskirts…a beautiful – cozy, quiet, and clean … Read more “Ermita de San Isidro in San Esteban de Litera, Aragon in Spain”

Parc Natural de la Muntanya de Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain

Montserrat is a well-known place most visitors to Barcelona, ​​about 40 km south, will probably head to. This place was also on our itinerary, but not because of the main attraction that attracts tourists, the Abbey of Montserrat, founded in 1025, and the 16th-century Basilica of the Mare de Déu de Montserrat, which houses a museum. We headed to Montserrat … Read more “Parc Natural de la Muntanya de Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain”