We are Danka and Jozef, Slovak citizens who are discovering beautiful nature on Earth. Although our native language is Slovak, we decided to publish our experiences in English so more people can benefit from them. As the best pieces of nature are located in the national parks and various protected areas of the countries, we decided to visit and discover them via shorter or longer RVing (= traveling by a recreational vehicle).

In the past, we also discovered some national parks in Europe and the USA. You can see them on the Gallery USA and Gallery Europe pages.
We will soon (from 2025) discover the beauty of national parks in the Americas, starting in Canada, then across Alaska and the United States, Central and South America, and ending in Ushuaia on the territory of “Tierra del Fuego.”
So, our recreational vehicle (RV or Camper) is our house on wheels. We are a couple who loves nature more than cities, so our destinations are more like the natural wonders of the world than the conglomerates of humankind.

We share our lives, our love for nature and animals, and our passion for outdoor activities like hiking, mountain biking, and skiing, and we do all activities together like an ideal couple.
Nevertheless, we are different.
Danka is a planner, writer, financial and managing director, and strategist; she has an analytic, logical, and discerning way of thinking. But she is also very lazy.
Jozef is an engineer and technician who can solve any technical issue in any field, from building a house to repairing a puncture on a bike. He is very hardworking.
We both love hiking and mountain biking. The highest peak we reached by hiking is Mt.Elbert in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, United States, at 14,433 ft or 4.401 m above sea level. The highest place we reached by mountain biking is Panoramalm in the Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria, at 1.992 m above sea level.
And despite growing up, we don’t give up on achieving higher goals through both activities.
…and Why ?… The following quote answers this very succinctly:
„Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain