Besseggen Ridge is one of the most popular hiking trails in Norway. To start, it is necessary to use boat transport along the Gjende fjord to Memurubu. We chose this ridge as our hiking destination, although other hiker destinations (such as Preikestolen, Trolltunga, and Kjerag) are very popular among foreign visitors. The ascent itself confirmed this statement for us – we did not hear German nor English language during the ascent. This “national” ascent was challenging. Not with its length of approx. 14 km, not with an elevation of just over 1,000 m, but with its character. In the second part, there is a rather difficult climbing ascent without any technical aids like ropes, etc… After it, new small cairns and then bigger cairns appear on the ridge marking the ridge, and only after the last and largest one does the descent begin, which is not easy too. However, we managed it and we do not regret the choice. The photos will show why it was worth it, and also why National Geographic ranks it among the 20 most beautiful hiking trails in the world.